July Summit Update

Finally, time to reflect…

We can all lead such busy lives, and I have sat down this week to reflect on the summit back in April. It was such a wonderful experience and a pleasure to meet everyone. I am still catching up with contacts and connecting each week which also shows how long-lasting connections can be made at such events.

This reflection has come as I have been writing an article to promote the next summit. I have been visiting the Derby Conference centre and am super excited about networking in their sunken lounge. We are also planning a dinner event on Thursday evening.

I was also reflecting at the vast expertise and sharing of knowledge from all areas of Positive Psychology and what speakers and workshop facilitators can bring with them to the next event. Submissions are now open, and we are excited to see what is happening in the world of PP. We would be particularly interested in talks on PP and the environment (especially as the Thursday is Earth Day), Mental Health, Post Traumatic Growth and PP and Specific Learning Difficulties. Of course, we are also open to all areas of PP and workshops in how you are applying the science will provide us with an action-packed Friday session.

Keep popping back for regular updates and follow the links to sponsorship packages, tickets, submissions and more.

Have a fantastic and sunny July.

Cat xx